A Growing Town

A growing town

Castle Rock has seen a boom in its population in recent years and that trend shows no signs of slowing up any time soon. From 2016 to 2022, our town’s population has increased by more than 25,000, to almost 80,000. That growth has also correlated with a more than 100 percent increase in our emergency responses. In 2016, your firefighters answered about 3,000 calls, but saw that number more than double to 6,100 in 2021. 2022 call volume is on pace to surpass 7,000. 

To keep our neighbors safe, the number of firefighters and fire stations needs to keep pace with the growth of our town. We’ve seen a minimal increase in firefighters over the past years, but that will need to continue to keep up. In order to open a new fire station, staff additional needed medic unit, and move toward meeting the standard laid out by the National Fire Protection Association of four firefighters per fire truck, we need 40 plus new firefighters on the street.

Castle Rock is thriving, but without the town’s support, your safety could be at risk. Help us keep pace with Castle Rock’s exponential growth by supporting an investment in your firefighters that will allow us to provide you with excellence in public safety.